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Weather Station Software Configuration

Before your weather station data can be used by our Benelux Weather Network (BNLWN), or by any other Mesonet, you must configure your weather-station software to upload data in a format our server can read.
You can upload your weather-station-data to

  1. your own personal website,
  2. or a personal webpage at your provider,
  3. or to a data-storage such as,

In the table below you find the possible ways to upload the data , the HOWTO instructions and links to informative websites, WIKI a.s.o.

kind name Windows Mac Linux Instructions More information
Standard fileclientraw.txt multipleclick hereCommon file available from multiple programs
steelseries.json multipleclick hereOften used file for Steelseries gauges
Weather ProgramWeatherDisplay W,M,Lclick here
WeatherLink W,M click here
Virtual WS W click here
WU Heavy UploaderW click here
Cumulus W click here
WSWIN W click here
WeatherCat M click here
All-in-One DeviceMeteobridge n/aclick here
Meteohub n/aclick here
TemplatesMeteotemplate all click here
Leuven-Template all click here

Configuration for weatherprograms using clientraw.txt

Originally Brian, the author of the Weatherdisplay program, developed the clientraw.txt format solely for his weather-program.. But clientraw.txt became a standard in a short time and more and more weatherprograms are able to deliver a file in that format.
You should therefore read and then adapt this instruction for your own weather-program.
But in general

  1. If Weather Display or your weather-program is already uploading in real time clientraw.txt as for Weather-Display Live or another of the FLASH / AJAX weatherscripts, no additional configuration is required.
  2. Your clientraw.txt should be uploaded every 5 minutes or less.
  3. You should be able to see your file in action at, example:

IMPORTANT:For further information on how to initially set up the clientraw.txt file in Weather Display, please refer to Configuring_wdl, scroll to page 29 and onwards.

Configuration for weatherprograms using Steelseries json

If you are using the Steelseries Gauges on your website, you are probably uploading a realtime file xyz.json. In almost all cases that is the semi-standardized file which contains all information we need to show your current conditions . Your steelseries json file is probably also already uploaded far faster than the required minimum 5 minutes.

Configuration for WeatherLink

  1. Use this link WL_stickertags.txt or copy the code below to your WeatherLink template directory - usually c:\program_files\weatherlink\[stationname]\templates.
  2. In WeatherLink, Click on setup, Internet Settings dialog.
  3. For the configuration you are using to FTP Weatherlink html file(s), press the Configure button.
    In the Data Upload Profile, press Select Template Files, then use ADD button to select the WL_stickertags.txt file, and press Open.
  4. The WL_stickertags.htx file should now appear in the Weather Template Files for Data Upload dialog. Press OK., and press OK on the Data Upload Profile, then OK on the Internet Settings dialog.
  5. The WL_stickertags.htx file will be uploaded at your next update cycle with a filetype as specified in the Data Upload Profile.
  6. Please set the upload for the data page to every 5 minutes.

You should be able to see your file in action at

Configuration for Virtual Weather Station

  1. Use this link VWS_stickertags.htx or copy the code below to your VWS templates folder (c:\vws\templates is the default).
  2. In VWS, pull down the Internet tab, and click on "HTML Settings".
  3. In a empty location on the left (Templates) side of the HTML Settings menu, enter c:\vws\template\VWS_stickertags.txt, editing this as necessary for drive and folder.
  4. On the right (HTML filename) side of the menu, on the same line, enter the file location that you use for your other .htx files, followed by \VWS_stickertags.htm.
  5. Click the On* box to put a check mark in it.
  6. Now in VWS, pull down the Internet menu and click on FTP Upload File (Send) and in an empty row on the LEFT put the same contents as you did in the Right side of the HTML Settings dialog. (e.g. "c:\vws\root\VWS_stickertags.htm").
  7. On the Right side, put "[directory]/VWS_stickertags.htm" where [directory] is the same directory you use for the rest of your website. It would be "[/VWS_stickertags.htm"[ if you are uploading to the document root of your website.
    At the bottom of the window, set the update time to 5 minutes. Click Update and Upload Files to Internet.

You should be able to see your file in action at

Configuration for Weather Underground HeavyWeather Uploader (WUHU)

NOTE! Needs WUHU 216 Beta 40 or newer !!
  1. Use this link WUHU_stickertags.txt or copy the code below to a folder of your choice.
  2. Expand WUHU and click the Alerts/Actions-button. A new window will appear.
  3. In Main Action/Alert, select Enable Actions and Repetitions and set the value for Selections to 1.
  4. In WUHU Operation Alarms/Actions, select On Weather Update. If you want to update the file ie. every 2 minutes, select also On Update Seconds and set the value to 120.
  5. Click on Sound/Action-button (below Weather Update). A new window will appear.
  6. Write the next string in Action on Activation:
    X: is the partition-letter. The above string is an example, configure to match your own computer.
  7. Confirm by clicking OK
  8. Save the changes with Save Changes

You should be able to see your file in action at

Configuration for Cumulus Weather Software

If you are using Cumulus weather station software, make sure your realtime.txt conditions file is uploaded regularly to your website.

Instructions for WSWIN will be added shortly

Configuration for WeatherCat

  1. Use the file WC_stickertags.txt or copy the code below to the file of your choice on your webserver.
  2. Add WC_stickertags.txt to your normal custom web run or add it as an additional file, if you want it processed at a different rate to the normal custom web run
  3. Please make sure to upload at least once every 5 minutes or your station may show as "Offline"

You should be able to see your file in action at

Configuration for MeteoBridge

  1. Use the file MB_stickertags-template.txt or copy the code below to the file of your choice on your webserver.
  2. Create a blank file called MB_stickertags.txt and save to your server with file permissions set to 604.
  3. Use your bowser to visit your Meteobridge and select the Services tab, then create an FTP and select a periodical upload.
  4. Enter your site details & update frequency and press SAVE.
  5. Please set the upload frequency to every 5 minutes.
  6. Press TEST.
  7. Please be aware that MeteoBridge does not report Pressure Trend information, so that will
    always show as – – for the trend in the mesonet map (and on the Global network).

You should be able to see your file in action at

Configuration for Meteohub

If you are already doing real-time update using clientraw.txt (such as for Weather-Display Live), no additional configuration is required.
Your clientraw.txt should already be uploaded at least every 5 minutes or less.

If you do not want to use the built-in Meteohub-clientraw use the following procedure:

  1. Use the file MH_stickertags.htm or copy the code below to the /data/graphs/ folder in your Meteohub.
  2. In Meteohub section Graph Uploads, select the file MH_stickertags* in "graph / Data", select "every 5 minutes" in "Schedule" and type the file name MH_stickertags.txt in "Filename"

You should be able to see your file in action at

Configuration for Meteotemplate

As Yachyms fine Meteotemplate already has a build-in script for delivering the mesonet data, there is no need to do any configuration.

You should be able to see your file in action at

Configuration for Leuventemplate

The Leuven-Template can deliver the mesonet data by means of a script which also is used for the Steelseries. Therfor is no need to do any extra configuration.

You should be able to see your file in action at