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Join the Benelux Weather Network

The Benelux Weather Network (BNLWN) is always looking for new members to contribute their data to the network. Our goal is to have the single most comprehensive view of weather conditions across Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg). If you are a personal weather station owner / operator, please let us know and we will consider adding you to our network. We are especially looking for stations in the more remote parts of our service area.

System requirements: Contributors must of course have a personal weather station and that station must be connected to the Internet and continually updating to a website. At the current time, we can pull data from users of Weather Display, WeatherLink, Cumulus and Virtual Weather Station. To view instructions on how to configure these software programs to work with BNLWN, please click here. If you meet these requirements and would like to join, please complete the form below. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Your name
Sometimes people mistype their e-mail addresses, making it impossible for us to respond. Please double-check carefully.
Your city/area
Example Leuven, Belgium
Your weather site Latitude. Example city of Utrecht = 52.084166.
Check this site:
Your weather site Longitude. Example city of Utrecht = 5.0124523
Your website name
Your weather website name, leave empty if you do not have one (yet)
Your website URL
The internet address of your weather-website. leave empty if you do not have one (yet)
Example, this sites address is
Your upload file
The internet address where you store the current conditions file.
Check our instructions at ./instructions7.php
Weather program
The weather-program your are using to generate the file for us
Nearby airport Code
The METAR = airpoirt-code nearest to your place, or type unknown. For Leuven the nearest airport is EBBR = Zaventem
Do you have a webcam
Do you have a lightning detector
WUse a link to our site WWe will sent you the instructions how to put a link to this site on your own website.
Need the map-scripts We will sent you the instructions how to use these map scripts on your own website.
Personal information provided here will only be used in responding to your inquiries.
Send me a copy Request a copy of the data you entered here.
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Yes, I want to join the network