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About the Benelux Weather Network

The purpose of this website is to collect the weather information from private weather stations located in the Benelux. And to share this information as broadly as possible with other groups of cooperating weather stations. Such a group of cooperating weather stations is also called a Mesonet genoemd.

The collected weather information is shown on a map on our start page with the information in table form and with links to the websites of the participating stations. This gives you a clear and "live" snapshot of the weather in the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg).

All information from our regional stations together with all information from the cooperating stations in all regions is shown on a world map.

Participating in our regional network is open to residents of the Benelux who maintain a personal weather station in one of the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg).

So if you maintain a weather website or weather page with the data of your own weather station, we invite you to become a participant. Participating is completely free for you. We support a long list of weather programs: Weather Display, VWS, WeatherLink, WUHU, Cumulus, Meteobridge and many others. You can find all supported programs on the Join Us! page.

The participants can also use the local and world map with the rotating weather data on their own website. The required PHP scripts are maintained for all mesonets by Ken True from Saratoga Weather, so that it all works and continues to work as it should.

More information: If you have any questions or need more information, please use the Contact page.

History: As early as 2006, the idea arose in California-USA to display collaborating weather stations on a regional map. The first idea was put into practice by Chris Arndt of, the founder of the Southwestern Weather Network.

And with us: The Benelux Weather Network (BNLWN) was established in July 2010 by Peter Groeneveld of Meteo Leudal in the central part of Limburg, Netherlands. He also created the graphical elements that are still used today. From June 2018 the further maintenance will be done by Wim van der Kuil of Leuven_Sluispark_Weather in Belgium.

You can read much more interesting information about the development of the mesonets on the world mesonet website.

The Affiliated Regional Weather Networks with their number of stations

Through the exchange of ideas and natural growth, there are
1100 stations in affiliated networks worldwide as of 2024-09-19 08:06:07 UTC .